Slim Checkout
Updated for Phoenix
Bootstrap 5 ready
Allows to hide page areas on checkout pages:
- optional hide on checkout pages: login.php, checkout_shipping.php, checkout_payment.phpheckout_confirmation.php and checkout_success.
- select on which pages to hide by checkbox list the following areas: navbar, header area, boxes, footer and footer suffix
- optional customized list of header modules to keep showing if header area is hidden.
Default: store logo module, will keep showing always, even the header area is hidden.
- allows to define the width of the page body if side boxes are hidden
Included Module:
- Slim Checkout Header...
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Sloppy Words Cleaner
Updated for Phoenix
Bootstrap 5 ready
This is a modular re-design of the Sloppy Words Cleaner.
It filters and normalizes customer input in account pages.
Based on:
Sloppy Words Cleaner
all credits for v.1.0 to v.1.4 Sloppy Words Cleaner by KJ Miller (top_speed)
How it works:
Often we found customer accounts with that kind of ortography:
Heidenheim An Der Brenz, bl7 9DT
This example will be filtered to:
José Mª MacDonald
Chemin de l'Écluse, 87
Heidenheim an der Brenz, BL7 9DT
It can be added to all relevant account pages with customer input.
Included Modules:
- includes/modules/store/st_swcleaner.php
- includes/hooks/shop/swc/swc_hooks.php
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Store Hotline
Updated for Phoenix
Header module which adds a store phone button to the header.
How it works:
Shows a button with the store phone in the header area of the store
On mobile phone it will open the phone dialler with the store phone number.
Version: 3.4+3.3+3.1+3.0+2.1
- Added optional support for Skype call, chat and add contact.
- Phone button optional.
- Phone button disabled on desktop
- Instructions in PDF
Very easy, modularized
Copy 2 files + 1 language file
Install 1 module in Admin.
Version 3.4:
Phoenix Cart
Tested with Phoenix
PHP: 7.0-8.3
Version 3.3:
Phoenix Cart
Tested with...
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Store Logos Multi
Updated for Phoenix
Responsive and Localized Store Logos
1. Serve different logo sizes to allow the visitors browser to select the most apropiate for it’s device size and resolution. The browser will automatically download only the logo which fits best it’s need.
Example: You are using a banner style store logo which is set to half of the header width (col-6)
- for a standard desktop screen and a retina tablet a width of about 640px would be good
- for a retina desktop device with double resolution like i-mac, 1280px would be better
- for...
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Store Mode
Updated for Phoenix
Bootstrap 5 ready
How it works
This add-on allowes to switch your store to different closed/maintenance modes. It allows you to do installations, maintenance and checks closing only the strict necessary areas of your store.
Store modes:
Online: Normal store mode
Custom: Customizable group of pages. Default: product_reviews.php and product_reviews_write.php. Any group of pages can be defined. Customers will be redirected to the last visited page outside the restricted area or index.php. A temporary message will be shown only if a customer tries to access the restircted area.
Checkout: By default all checkout...
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Stripe v3 SCA
Stripe SCA is a refactored version of the standard Stripe payments to update the Stripe API to v3 and support the SCA process flow. Other than using different Stripe API calls to set up and process payments, the main change is to defer order fulfillment to a web hook called by Stripe after the payment has been authorised.
English language file included.
Version: 1.6.0.
Bootstrap 5 ready
Very easy, modularized
Phoenix -
Tested with
PHP 7.0 - 8.3
OsCommerce 2.3.x
PHP 5.4-5.6
Phoenix Cart Forum:
Stripe V3 SCA...
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Wholesale Lite
Updated for Phoenix
Bootstrap 5 ready
- Posibility to assign customers to wholesale
- Define global discount percentage by unlimited product
- Define individual wholesale prices to each product
- Optional tax exempt wholesalers
- Optional define individual wholesale prices to attributes
- The global wholesale discount will not apply to products and attributes which have individual wholesale prices defined
- Optional setting to apply special price instead of wholesale price if the special price is lower than the wholesale price or discount.
- Optional payment and shipping modules Exclusion lists for Wholesalers and Retailers.
- Optional header text module to show different info text for guests, retailers and...
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Displaying 21 to 27 (of 27 products)