Sloppy Words Cleaner
Updated for Phoenix
Bootstrap 5 ready
This is a modular re-design of the Sloppy Words Cleaner.
It filters and normalizes customer input in account pages.
Based on:
Sloppy Words Cleaner
all credits for v.1.0 to v.1.4 Sloppy Words Cleaner by KJ Miller (top_speed)
How it works:
Often we found customer accounts with that kind of ortography:
Heidenheim An Der Brenz, bl7 9DT
This example will be filtered to:
José Mª MacDonald
Chemin de l'Écluse, 87
Heidenheim an der Brenz, BL7 9DT
It can be added to all relevant account pages with customer input.
Included Modules:
- includes/modules/store/st_swcleaner.php
- includes/hooks/shop/swc/swc_hooks.php
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Slim Checkout
Updated for Phoenix
Bootstrap 5 ready
Allows to hide page areas on checkout pages:
- optional hide on checkout pages: login.php, checkout_shipping.php, checkout_payment.phpheckout_confirmation.php and checkout_success.
- select on which pages to hide by checkbox list the following areas: navbar, header area, boxes, footer and footer suffix
- optional customized list of header modules to keep showing if header area is hidden.
Default: store logo module, will keep showing always, even the header area is hidden.
- allows to define the width of the page body if side boxes are hidden
Included Module:
- Slim Checkout Header...
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Ship In Cart
Bootstrap 5 ready
It shows availabel shipping methods, costs and order totals in the shopping cart. For guests, shipping methods and costs show based on country, zone and zip code. For logged in users based on selectable shipping address.
It is separated in 2 modules:
Estimated Shipping and Estimated Order Totals
Both modules can be easy added to the Shopping Cart.
English, Spanish and German language files included.

Version: 7.0
This can be extended to the Two page checkout App which allows to use the ship in cart module instead of the standard shipping page:
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Wholesale Lite
Updated for Phoenix
Bootstrap 5 ready
- Posibility to assign customers to wholesale
- Define global discount percentage by unlimited product
- Define individual wholesale prices to each product
- Optional tax exempt wholesalers
- Optional define individual wholesale prices to attributes
- The global wholesale discount will not apply to products and attributes which have individual wholesale prices defined
- Optional setting to apply special price instead of wholesale price if the special price is lower than the wholesale price or discount.
- Optional payment and shipping modules Exclusion lists for Wholesalers and Retailers.
- Optional header text module to show different info text for guests, retailers and...
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Prices with Tax Info
Updated for Phoenix
It will display the following below the price on each page included in the module:
1. If the tax value of the displayed price is = 0:
Shows: "VAT excl." or any other text you define in the language file
2. If the tax value of the displayed price is not = 0:
Shows: "XX% VAT incl." or any other text you define in the language file
Where XX is the value of the tax in percentage as defined in admin/tax rates
Note: For other languages/uses its possible to define a text string before...
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Store Logos Multi
Updated for Phoenix
Responsive and Localized Store Logos
1. Serve different logo sizes to allow the visitors browser to select the most apropiate for it’s device size and resolution. The browser will automatically download only the logo which fits best it’s need.
Example: You are using a banner style store logo which is set to half of the header width (col-6)
- for a standard desktop screen and a retina tablet a width of about 640px would be good
- for a retina desktop device with double resolution like i-mac, 1280px would be better
- for...
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Updated for Phoenix
Track and manage attribute stock.
- it allows to track stock for each product option-attribute combination.
- it offers 4 different ways to show options-attributes on the product page.
- show final prices of option-attribute combinations
- show out of stock message for attributes
- prevent out of stock option-attribute combinations to be added to shopping cart
- show options.attributes stock table on the product page
Based on: QTpro for osc 2.3 version 4.6.1 all credits to the previous contributers
Support included for:
Options Images BS v1.1 (latest Version 1.5 or higher)
Included Modules:
- QT...
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Related Products
Updated for Phoenix
This Add-on allows to define related products for any product
The related products are displayed in a module on the product page
PRO version available:
Related Products Pro
- Category selection menus added in Admin Page
- Added optional display of Product Id, Name, Model in Admin Page
- Sort order options added for Admin Page

Includes optional content module to display the related products in the shopping cart page which requires the installation of the add-on:
Modular shopping cart
It also includes instructions to modify the unmodularized shopping_cart.php standard file.
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Featured Products
Updated for Phoenix
The purpose of this contribution is to show selected products in the Infobox, instead of the previous stock new products Infobox. The featured products can be chosen in the admin. You also have the option of displaying just a side Infobox that would display only one featured item.
On the main default page of osCommerce, a selection of ALL the featured products will be displayed, and in top-level categories, only featured products that belong to that category. If there are more featured products than the maximum allowed to be...
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Shop by Price
Includes 2 modules which can be used alternative:
1. Box "Shop By Price"
2. Header module "Shop By Price"
How it works:
Price ranges can be defined independent for each currency in the module configuration
Click or select price range performs a search query which shows the products matching the price range
Search can pe performed global for all products or inside of a categoriy/subcategory
Version: 5.3.3 (CE Phoenix)

Very easy, modularized
Copy 5 files + 3 language files
Install 1 of 2 alternative modules in Admin
Version 5.3.3:
CE Phoenix Cart
Tested with CE Phoenix
PHP 7.0 - 8.3

Phoenix Cart Support...
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Recently viewed products
Updated for Phoenix
Version: 5.3.8 CE Phoenix Cart

Group of modules which show the most recent viewed products.
Includes modules for index and product page, box module and dedicated page similar to new products and specials page.
Many customization options, see screenshots
English, Spanish and German language files included.
Very easy, modularized
Copy 10 files + 6 language files
Install 5 modules in Admin (4 of them are optional)
Phoenix Cart
Tested with Phoenix
PHP: 7.0-8.3
OsCommerce Support Forum:
Recently Viewed Products...
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Purchase without account
Updated for Phoenix
Modularized Purchase Without Account (Guest Checkout)
No customer data is stored in the shop except the data included in the order.
Compatible with virtual-downloadable products and external payment services like PayPal. Tested with PayPal Express and Standard.
Optional offer opt to set password and convert guest account to regular account on checkout success.
English, Spanish and German language files included.
Version: 4.6.6.
Based on:
Purchase without account In memoriam and all credits to De Dokta
Very easy, modularized, no core changes
Copy new files
Install 3 modules in Admin
Phoenix Cart
Tested with Phoenix
PHP 7.0-8.3
Phoenix Cart Support Forum:

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Options Images
Updated for Phoenix
Support for adding images to options - attributes
It allows adding an image to the value of an option, which will be used for all products, and to add an option value image individually to a product.

Based on:
Options Images BS v1.3 by Tsimi
Included Modules:
- Product Info content module
- Product Info Pi module
English language file included.
Version: 2.6
Very easy, modularized
Tested with Phoenix
PHP 7.0 - 8.3
Phoenix Cart Support Forum:
Options Images...
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KissIT Image Thumbnailer
Updated for Phoenix
Automatic create on the fly Thumbnails for all your images:
This add-on improves the page load time serving all images in just the required image size on all places.
Configurable min. image size to use thumbs
Equal image size adding background if necesary to smaller images
Equal image proportion adding background if necesary
Add watermark for images bigger than configured (including big images in pop-up of product_info)
Show customizable no image available thumb if image is missing
WEBP, JPEG, GIF and PNG images supported
Configurable JPEG and WEBP quality
In RGB configurable Background color
3 level sharpness filter
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AJAX Attribute Manager
The idea of this contribution is to make the administration of product options, option values and attributes much quicker and easier.
It uses a technology known as AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML). This enables us to do is make page sub-reqests without refreshing a page.
In this case, it enables us to make a attribute manager that sits on the product addition page. From which, you can do everything (ish - see notes) that the product attributes page does but in a much more convenient and tidy way.
English, Spanish and German language...
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Stripe v3 SCA
Stripe SCA is a refactored version of the standard Stripe payments to update the Stripe API to v3 and support the SCA process flow. Other than using different Stripe API calls to set up and process payments, the main change is to defer order fulfillment to a web hook called by Stripe after the payment has been authorised.
English language file included.
Version: 1.6.0.
Bootstrap 5 ready
Very easy, modularized
Phoenix -
Tested with
PHP 7.0 - 8.3
OsCommerce 2.3.x
PHP 5.4-5.6
Phoenix Cart Forum:
Stripe V3 SCA...
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Name-based URLs Demo
Commercial Add-on exclusive in this WEB.
This add-on produces name (category, product, manufacturer, info-page) based URLs.
## Versions and Features:
# Name-based URLs Demo
- Support for Product URLs
- Filter Short Words
- Use SEO Titles as name
- Remove all non-alphanumeric characters
- One language
# Name-based URLs Lite (bundled with Phoenix Cart Pro)
In addition to Demo version:
- Support for Categories URLs
- Support for Manufacturer URLs
- Automatic redirects for old URLs
- CPath always added to product URLs
- One language
# Name-based URLs Pro
In addition to Demo and Lite version:
- Add category parent to product URLs
- Add category parent...
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Attributes Weight
Updated for Phoenix
Support for adding weight to options - attributes
How it works:
It allows to add option/attributes weight which can be optional shown on the Product page in the options/attributes drop down menu.
Alternative pi and content modules are included.
The option/attribute weight will be added to the product weight in the shopping cart class and take into consideration for weight based shipping modules.
There are 2 ways to add option/atributes weight:
1. Add weight to an option value:
Example: Box Size 12 -> 0.20
Box Size...
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Discount Codes
Updated for Phoenix
This Addon allows to create discount codes for to apply on checkout as a percentatge or fixed discount amount on order total.
Several possibilities to restrict the discount on categories, manufacturers, products or exclude products and assign to certail customers. Allows to limit the number of uses, establish minimum order total or limit to the first, second etc. order of a customer or to customers subscribed to newsletters.
English, Spanish and German language files included.
Version: 5.8.3.
Very easy, modularized, no core changes
Phoenix Cart
Tested with Phoenix Cart PHP 7.0-8.3
Phoenix Cart Support...
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Reviews Navbar Header Modules
Updated for Phoenix
The Navbar and Header Modules intent to offer an alternative to the standard (core) side column boxes. On small screens (Mobiles) the boxes are moved at the very bottom of the pages. They are therefore not useful for small devices. Header and Navbar Modules show on the top of the pages and are much more recommended for Mobile view. You can permanent replace your side column boxes to show always the Header or Navbar module instead on all screen sizes. Or you can add a device dependent helper...
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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 27 products)