Slim Checkout


Updated for Phoenix

Bootstrap 5 ready

Allows to hide page areas on checkout pages:
- optional hide on checkout pages: login.php, checkout_shipping.php, checkout_payment.phpheckout_confirmation.php and checkout_success.
- select on which pages to hide by checkbox list the following areas: navbar, header area, boxes, footer and footer suffix
- optional customized list of header modules to keep showing if header area is hidden.
Default: store logo module, will keep showing always, even the header area is hidden.
- allows to define the width of the page body if side boxes are hidden

Included Module:
- Slim Checkout Header Tag Module

English, Spanish and German language files included.

Version: 1.13

Very easy, modularized
Copy new files

Tested with Phoenix
PHP 7.0 - 8.3

Phoenix Cart Support Forum:
Slim Checkout for BS