Related Products


Updated for Phoenix

This Add-on allows to define related products for any product
The related products are displayed in a module on the product page
PRO version available:
Related Products Pro
- Category selection menus added in Admin Page
- Added optional display of Product Id, Name, Model in Admin Page
- Sort order options added for Admin Page

Includes optional content module to display the related products in the shopping cart page which requires the installation of the add-on:
Modular shopping cart

It also includes instructions to modify the unmodularized shopping_cart.php standard file.

Modules included:
- Related products module for the product page (product_info.php)
- Related products module for the shopping cart page (shopping_cart.php)

English, Spanish and German language files included.

Version: 7.5.6

Installation modularized shopping cart:
easy, modularized
Copy 6-7 new files + 3-4 new language file
Install 1-2 modules in Admin

Phoenix Cart
Tested with Phoenix
PHP 7.0 - 8.3

Phoenix Cart Support Forum:
Optional Related Products