This Add-on adds + - buttons to change the quantity of products in the shopping cart.
By changing the amount of a product, using the + - buttons as well as entering a new number for quantity, the product quantity is updated automatically without additional click.
It also auto updates the cart when removing a product.
Displays an additional loading icon during the update process.
Module included:
- Product Listing Auto Update
Version: 4.4
easy, modularized
CE Phoenix -
Tested with Phoenix,,
PHP 7.0... See more ...
Commercial Add-on exclusive in this WEB.
When the PayPal express payment module is used a customer can pay without having registered at the store using the "Pay with PayPal" button on the shopping cart page.
The PayPal customer account data are then used to create an account in your OsCommerce store.
Now in Spain we have the characteristic that there are 4 provinces (Ceuta, Melilla, Las Palmas and Santa Cruz de Tenerife) to which should not apply VAT.
The usual configuration OsCommerce uses a tax zone which includes all Spain provinces except 4... See more ...
Updated for Phoenix
Commercial Add-on exclusive in this WEB.
For Phoenix, Frozen and older responsive versions.
Bootstrap 5 ready.
Based on "Shipping Estimator"
A shipping selector module and a complete order total module is added to the shopping cart.
This allows on one side to show the shipping costs for guests and logged in customers. On the other side it allows the customer to select the shipping method and see the real order costs already on the shopping cart page.
Like this there is no need to show the checkout shipping page and the checkout... See more ...
Updated for Phoenix
Commercial Add-on exclusive in this WEB.
This Add-on allows to define related products for any product
The related products are displayed in a module on the product page
Additional options for PRO version:
- Category selection menus added in Admin Page
- Added optional display of Product Id, Name, Model in Admin Page
- Sort order options added for Admin Page
Includes optional content module to display the related products in the shopping cart page which requires the installation of the add-on: Modular shopping cart
Modules included:
- Related products module... See more ...
Updated for Phoenix
Bootstrap5 ready
Commercial Add-on exclusive in this WEB.
- Create unlimited number of wholesale groups
- Posibility to assign customers to a wholesale group
- Define global discount percentage by unlimited product and attribute price brakes (product price ranges)
- Define individual wholesale prices to each product for each wholesale group
- Optional tax exempt wholesalers
- Optional hide prices to guests (not logged in users) (Phoenix
- Optional show prices incl. or excl. tax for wholesalers
- Optional define individual wholesale prices to attributes for each wholesale group
- The global wholesale discount will not apply to products... See more ...
Updated for Phoenix
Commercial Add-on exclusive in this WEB.
How it works:
A. Spam Filter
Optional for contact_us.php, product_reviews_write.php and (add-on) ask_a_question.php:
- Spam Filter Min Name length. (HTML5 input validation with specific error message)
- Spam Filter Min Message length. (HTML5 input validation with specific error message)
- Spam Filter Max Message length. (HTML5 input validation with specific error message)
- Base Spam Word list, hardcoded. (Error message)
- Additional Spam Words in Store module. (Error message)
- If any Spam Word is used in the message, it will not be sent and a specific error message is displayed.
B.... See more ...
Updated for Phoenix
Commercial Add-on exclusive in this WEB.
The Navbar and Header Modules intent to offer an alternative to the standard (core) side column boxes. On small screens (Mobiles) the boxes are moved at the very bottom of the pages. They are therefore not useful for small devices. Header and Navbar Modules show on the top of the pages and are much more recommended for Mobile view.
You can permanent replace your side column boxes to show always the Header or Navbar module instead on all screen sizes. Or you can... See more ...
Commercial Add-on exclusive in this WEB.
This package requires previous installation of:
Auto Update the product price on the Product Page depending on the selected Options-Attributes price.
Works with all 4 pad classes
Just replace the standard pad classes and the product info options content module.
No file change (Frozen and Phoenix)
Minimum file change in product_info.php (GOLD and EDGE)
Version: 4.4
very easy
Copy 8 new files
Uninstall and reinstall 1 module in Admin
No file change (Frozen and Phoenix)
Modify a few lines of code in product_info.php (Gold and Edge)
Phoenix -
PHP 7.0-8.3
OsCommerce CE Frozen
PHP... See more ...
Commercial Add-on exclusive in this WEB.
Auto Update the product price on the Product Page depending on the selected Options-Attributes price.
Product info options content module and Pi module.
Minimum file change in product_info.php
Version: 1.13
very easy
Copy 4 new files and 2 language files
Install 1 module in Admin
Tested with Phoenix
PHP 7.0-8.3
Tested with Phoenix,
PHP 7.0-8.3
Tested with Phoenix
PHP 7.0-8.2
Tested with Phoenix
PHP 7.0-8.0
OsCommerce 2.3.x Bootstrap Gold and Edge
PHP 5.3 - 7.1
OsCommerce CE Frozen
PHP 7.0 - 7.2
Contact us
Commercial Add-On/Theme License... See more ...
Updated for Phoenix
Automatic create on the fly Thumbnails for all your images:
This add-on improves the page load time serving all images in just the required image size on all places.
Version Pro 4.7.3 Phoenix
for Phoenix with Phoenix
for Phoenix (tested with Phoenix
for Phoenix with Phoenix
for Phoenix (tested with Phoenix
for Phoenix with Phoenix
for Phoenix with Phoenix
for Phoenix
for Phoenix
Additional caracteristics Pro:
It allows to auto convert all image formats (jpeg. png, gif) to webp images.
Webp format offers smaller images and... See more ...
Updated for Phoenix
Commercial Add-on exclusive in this WEB.
Requires previous installation of Wholesale PRO
Auto Update the product price on the Product Page depending on the selected Options-Attributes price.
Product info options content module.
Minimum file change in product_info.php
Version: 1.12 WS PRO
Includes Product Info content Module and PI Module
very easy
Copy 3 new files and 1 language file
Install 1 module in Admin
Phoenix Cart
Tested with Phoenix,,
PHP 7.0 - 8.3
Phoenix Cart
Tested with Phoenix
PHP 7.0 - 8.2
OsCommerce CE Frozen
PHP 7.0 - 7.2
Contact us
Commercial Add-On/Theme License... See more ...
Updated for Phoenix
Commercial Add-on exclusive in this WEB.
Review Testimonials Manager App is a complete solution to manage your store customers feedback. This App is modularized and hooked. Easy to install. Only one core file modification is required.
It has been specifically designed to offer feedback solutions for the following scenarios:
Store owners who sell their products on other marketplaces like Amazon, E-Bay, Etsy etc. can add external reviews. This includes rating, product image and external link.
Stores offering one of a kind products which are not any more shown in the store... See more ...
Commercial Add-on exclusive in this WEB.
Updated for Phoenix
The banner modules allow to show banners defined in the standard adverts manager. Extensive configuration possiblities. HTML text support included.
See in my Demo Store
Included Slideshow modules:
Header module
Index module
Footer module
Included Static modules:
Header module
Index module
Footer module
Independant banner page
English, Spanish and German language files included.
Version: 2.6
very easy, modules
Copy new files
Install module(s) in Admin
Version 2.6
Phoenix Cart
Tested with Phoenix
PHP 7.0 - 8.3
Contact us
Commercial Add-On/Theme License... See more ...
Updated for Phoenix
Extended and more complete version of Slim Checkout to control each individual content module for each store page.
- add Module Control Page to Admin/Modules
- allows to define controlled pages
- allows to decide separate for each installed module and for each controlled page which module to be hidden.
- control for each store root page (file)
- control for each installed module of the following groups:
- navbar
- header
- boxes
- footer
- footer_suffix
- page list and modules list are dynamically updated if any... See more ...
Commercial Add-on exclusive in this WEB.
This module allows to add Bootstrap Responsive Display Utility Classes (and any other class) to the Side Column Boxes, Navbar, Header, Footer and Footer Extra modules.
You can control for each module if it will be shown for each device size.
Version: 1.3
very easy, header tag module
Copy new files
Install module in Admin
Tested with Phoenix
PHP 7.0 - 8.3
Contact us
Commercial Add-On/Theme License... See more ...
Updated for Phoenix
Commercial Add-on exclusive in this WEB.
This is a Points and Rewards system, aimed to generate additional sales or at least motivate customers to spend more money at your store.
The Points and Rewards system awards shopping points to customers for the amount they spend or for writing reviews or for referring new customers.
Points are considered as cash when redeemed. Customers can then use those points to pay for their orders during the checkout process.
For more details see: Reward Point Program FAQ in the Demo store.
English, Spanish... See more ...
Commercial Add-on exclusive in this WEB.
What it does:
It will add a language entrance to the customer and order table.
The customer's preferred language can be selected in the create account form or optional be automatic filled in by the selected store language.
This language will be also filled into the order during order process.
In Admin, when an order status update mail is sent, this language will be used in the e-mail independant of the actual selected admin language.
In Admin Orders, the customers language flag is displayed in the order comments label, so... See more ...
Commercial Add-on exclusive in this WEB.
What it does:
- Adds a link to the product page for each product listed in account history info orders
- Adds the product image for each product listed in account history info orders
- If a product is in off status, the link opens a modified product page which will show the product instead of the not available message
- The add to cart button is disabled on that product page and optional the product price is replaced by "Sold" text.
- The product links and images can also... See more ...
Commercial Add-on exclusive in this WEB.
This add-on produces name (category, product, manufacturer, info-page) based URLs.
## Versions and Features:
# Name-based URLs Demo
- Support for Product URLs
- Filter Short Words
- Use SEO Titles as name
- Remove all non-alphanumeric characters
- One language
# Name-based URLs Lite (bundled with Phoenix Cart Pro)
In addition to Demo version:
- Support for Categories URLs
- Support for Manufacturer URLs
- Automatic redirects for old URLs
- CPath always added to product URLs
- One language
# Name-based URLs Pro
In addition to Demo and Lite version:
- Support for info pages
- Add category parent to product... See more ...